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In an extraordinary period from 1851 onwards, people rushed to make their fortunes on a series of goldfields that were discovered in NSW.

The new finds significantly impacted the early agricultural towns and villages.

New settlements were established to service thousands of prospectors and miners who came and went.

Many came from Australia and overseas to win the gold, many set up businesses to feed and supply the miners, while some chose to steal.

Today, this golden heritage vein underpins the story of nearly every major town and village across central and south west NSW.

Every goldfield has its own trail to follow – every goldmining family their own story to tell.

Follow the GOLD TRAILS and discover for yourself, the heritage riches underpinning the towns, villages and landscapes of NSW.

Here the stories of those who won the gold and those who stole the gold, are brought to life by communities committed to conserving and sharing their heritage.

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TOP:John Gilbert, the bushranger. Courtesy State Library of Victoria Img no:b48953.
ABOVE: Family, tent and water wagon reproduced courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW (a2822124).