The total production of gold in the State to the end of l930 is estimated at 15,001,166 oz. fine, valued at £63,720,865. The gold won during 1930 amounted to 12,493 oz. fine, valued at £53,066, which represents an increase of 4,997 oz. fine, and £21,224 in value, as compared with the previous year.
Of the production recorded, 3,620 oz. were obtained from the treatmcnt of silver-lead ore from the Broken Hill field. The value of the gold production represents about one-half per cent. of the total mineral production of the State for 1930.
In the closing months of the year a noticeable activity was manifested in this branch of the industry, and a large number of prospectors, some thousands of whom were assisted from the Prospecting Vote and Unemployed Relief Fund, were trying their luck on the old gold fields of the State. No finds of partioular note have been reoorded, but encouraging results were achieved in many localities.
Left: Mines Department Annual Report 1930. Images and content presented here from this report reproduced courtesy of NSW Trade & Resources, Minerals & Energy
“Adelong Division.-The production for the year is estimated at 139 oz. of gold, valued at £631, of which 34 oz. were obtained from alluvial source. At the old Gibraltar Mine, Messrs. W. T. Perkins and party raised and treated 300 tons of ore from old workings for a return of 102 oz. of gold. Little development work was done.”
Adelong Division.
-The production for the year is estimated at 139 oz. of gold, valued at £.);31, of which 34 oz. were obtained from alluvial source. At the old Gibraltar Mine, Messrs. W. T. Perkins and party raised and treated 300 tons of ore from old workings for a return of 102 oz. of gold. Little development work was done. The Boumoya Gold ::fine (N.L.) continued work in their tunnel at the Currajong Yi:ine, and a reef has been located. At Shephardstown, Contessa and party obtained 3 oz. of gold from 15 tons of are. A good deal of prospecting was done in the Diyision during the year with little result. . F”’”Amluen Divi.~ion.-The yield for the year is C0111- puted at Ui5 oz. of gold, valued at £638. A large number of prospectors operated in the Division during the year. Some 85 oz. were obtainrd from alluvial source’l, the principal contributors being Dillon Bros., who treated 1,400 loads of wash dirt for a return of 29 oz. of gold, on their site at Araluen Creek, North Araluen. Schekamuno Gold Mining Co. (N.L.) operated durinq the first two months of the vear onl v. and treated 71 tons of ore for a return of 63! oz. of’ gold. On a site adjoining this mine, J. Heinrich raised fi~ tons of ore, which yielded 6t oz. of gold. The Araluen Progress Association sank three trial shafts at Crown Plat, Aralue:n Creek, and the work done indicated the presence of auriferous wash at depths from 11 to 21 feet with a maximum thickness of 10 feet, and eontaining values up to 9 dwts. P(‘l’ ton. The grounrl, however, is very wet, the overburden being clayey, awl large boulders exist in the wash.
“Armidale Divisioll.
-It is estimated that fossichrs obtained 12 oz. of gold during the year from alluvial sources. vBarmedman Di1’ision.-V. E. Stubbs obtained gold, valned at £14, from the treatment of ~ ton of are raised on his site at Reef ton. }’os~ickers won 4 oz. from alluvial sources. ~
Barraba Division._
No mining operations on an extenSIve scale have been carried out, the work done being chiefly confined to prospecting. Five oz. of gold, it is estimated, was won hy fossickc>rs. “””-
Bateman’s Bay Division.
-It is estimated that 2G oz. of gold was won by fossickers from alluvial sources. “” Batli.1trst Dit’ision.-The gold yield is computed at 100 oz. and was wholly dcrived from alluvial sources, principally in the Napoleon Reef locality. “Bat/ow Division.-Eight oz. of gold was obtained from alluvial workings n(‘ar Gilmore Cr(‘(‘k. 1
Bega Divi.~ion.
-Thc production amounted to 117 oz., and was wholly obtained bv R. tl. Hall froin the treatment of 120 tons of stone raised on his lease in the parish of Bega. Work done included the erection of plant and provision of a water supply. Driving and stoping was done on the top portion of the reef to a depth of 20 feet, and an open cut put in for 40 feet to a depth of 20 feet, and tunnel driven 48 feet, also shaft sunk 20 feet from bottom of open cut. ‘1’he reef is said to be from 18 inches to 3 feet wide. The are is crushed, amalgamated, retorted an(l smelted at the minI’. I
Bellingen Division
.-Valla Gold Mines (N.L.) recovered 30 oz. of gold. (See Arsenic Notes.) X Bil1gara Division.-During the year it is estimated that 62 oz. of gold was won, of which ;)0 oz. were obtained by fossickers from alluvial SOure(·s. Bingara Development Co. Ud. (late Couranga Gold Dredging Co., N.L.) treated 1,420 cubic yards of material with its dredging plant at Whitlow Creek, for a return of 12 oz. of gold. Operations werc only carried on for two months, a stoppage being necessary owing to had condition of plant. The greater part of the material blown in was barren, hut had to he shifted for the estahlishment of the plant on the opposite side of the creek from the originrrl location. ….
Blaynry Divisioll.
-Many prospectors operated in thr Division, hut apparenlly no ~old was rec’)’cred. I Bollalla Divi .• ioll.-The goll yield recorded is 106 07.., 6f which 7’.’, oz. wen’ won bv fossickers from 3l1m-inl sources. At Belimhla Crock, George Thomas raiser] 339 tons of 01’(‘, anll 209 tons were treated for the production of 92 oz. of gold. The ore treated was obtained from G.L. 3,516 (Little Belimbla). The deposit consists of a large soft lode and was worked by open (Out. A shaft has been sunk 4,) feet on G.I.. 3,415 on a short shoot of gold, but the ore raised has not been crushed. In the same locality \r. L. Sutherland won 32 oz. of gold from 4 tons of stone, but the vein cut out and operations ceased. No work was clone by Belimbla Cre(‘k Gold ::rines (N.L.), nor by Kurrajong Gold Mining Co. (N.L.). J. W. Latty continued his shaft a further 10 feet and dro,-e Vi feet, but no are was treated. A run of alluyial ground wns discovel’ed on a spur running into Little Pipf’day Creek, about 3 miles up Gulph Creek from Kerrigundah. It is apparently a small patch previously missed. JBollrl.-e Di1·isinn.-R. B. Kirkwcod has re-opened the old Girilambone Copper MinE’ and has been carrying out prospecting work. y
Braifl1l’oor/ Division.
-It is estimated that fossickers obtained ;iO oz. of gold from alluvial sources, and about 3 oz. were won from a reef being worked by R. Dodd and W. Simpson, at J;[ongarlowe, after treating 4 tons of stone. At the old Alma Mine, llongarlowe, E. A. Dudley and part~· are putting down a new vertical shaft to intersect the red previously worked. At the end of the year a depth of 6;) feet had 1)(‘en reach(‘d, and 11 steam pumping plant has becn installed to cope with the watcr. .;x Broken Hill Divisioll.-A total of 3,6~O oz. gold was “-all from the treatment of silyer-Iead orcs mined in the Division. Some prospeding was done at Cawker’s Well and other localities, but no payable gold-bearing formations were exp08ed. :I
BUllpc1II7orr Divisioll
.-FossiclH’rs won 7 oz. of gaM from alluvial sources. VBurrapa Divisioll.-lt is (‘stimatcd that fossick(‘rs obtain(‘d 4;) oz. of gold from alluvial sources. ;: BIl1’rOlra Dil’isioll.-ProspectorJ and fossickers w(‘re cngagetl in the Division, but there is no record of any gold having been won. ,” Canbelego Dirision.-G. W. Budd holds G.L. 3,2;)5, covering the original G.L. 114, formerly owned by the Mount Boppy Co., and during the year recovered and forwarded 45 tons of ore to Port Kembla, the yield being 2~7 oz. of gold, valued at £840. E. B. South and party (Mount Boppy Treatment Co.) endeavoured to treat the 01,1 salld dumps on G.Ls. 3,373 and 3,342-44, but the plant used was not suitable and the venture failed. W. J. Mitchell and party discovered a promising reef on a site i miles west of Canbelego. A shaft has been sunk ,’50 feE’t an1 30 feet of driving north and south has been done following the foot-wall of the lode. The goldhearing r(‘ef is sairl to he 7 fCcpt wide, assaying from 8 to 15 dlyts. At the Golden Horse Shoe Mine, a little work was done by M. R. Taylor and party, but no ore was treated, although there is a crushing battery on the sitp. M. H. Martin and party are carrying on prospecting operlltions in Butler’s Shaft at Mmiel Tank, and propose despatching a trial pal’cel of 8 tons. of ore for treatment. A numbrr of prospectors ha’e operated in thp Division during the Far, but no discovery of importance was made.
-,..- Call(7ein Divisioll
.-A little further prospecting was done at Tantawanglo. Boller and party have 35 tons of ore awaiting treatment. ~,
Careoar Division
.-Fiy(‘ oz. of gold was won by fos.’! ickers in alluvial ground. ;I( robar JJivisinl1.-No goltl was won. At Gundabooka J. Edgar raised 20 tons of ore and is negotiating for th(‘ e1’(‘(·tion of a treatment plant. At Mt. Drysdale, J. Rankin and J. Harvey carried on prospecting operations at th(‘ir mines, hut no ore was raised. Similar operations were also pursued hy McLaughlan and Merlo at the Blup Lodp, The Peak, but the 3fi tons of ore raised hRve not be(‘n treated. Peak ~fines (N.h) and N(‘w Occi· dental Ltd. (‘njoY(‘d suspension of labour conditions for the greater part of the year. ;( Condobolin. lJirision.-No production can he traced. At Mineral Hill”, .J. Peters has ereded a treatment plant and I?xpeds to commence operations during 1931. 1’. L. Murray’s mine at Wellwood was under inve~tigation by J. C. Whiteaere with a ”i(‘w to purchase, but tho matter ,,-as not proc(‘eded with. Prospecting operations ,,’e1’(, carried out h~’ s(‘wral partirs, but no satisfactory results hm-e been recorded. ~
lJivisiol1.-Prospettilig operations only were carried out by assisted prospectors. .:>( Cootamllntira Dirisinn.-Prospectors were responsible for a production of 18 oz. of alluvial gold. No other operations of any cOlls8quence wpre carried out. .1(‘ Copelnn(l Di1’ision.-The estimated produetion was 715 oz., valued at £2,634, as compared with 113 oz., valued at £405, during the pl’evious year. A large number of prospectors and fossickers worked on the field during the year. At a site on the Mint Reef, J. K. Moffatt and party raised and treated 20 tons of arc for a yielrl of 280z of gold. At. COl’elaJl(l, on G.I,. 3,486, R. r. W8bC’(‘k and party won] 20 oz. of gold from the treatm.~nt. of l,;U tons of ore. The reef is from] 5 to 20 inches wide. ‘f. H. Smith has done a considerable amount of dm’clopment work at the Federation ::-’fine, UppC’r Bowman, and has installed an air-compressor and cyaniding plant. From the treatment of 80 tons of are 166 oz. of gold was obtained. V. T. O’Connell treated 110 tons of unttery tailings, on a site 1 mile north of Upper Bowman, uv cvanidation, and obtained a return valued at £61 lOs. The ‘balance of” the gold won in the Division was obtained by fossickers from alluvial sourCe’s. Furthcl’ refcrC’nee to this Division is mack in the GOWl’nmC’11t G(‘ologist’s section of this puhlieation. X-
Coprnaniwrst D’i1’ision
.-It is estimate(l that 2H oz. of gold was won in tIl(‘ Division during the )’car. A. Bancroft treatee1 ‘1 tOllS of orp at Lionsdlle for rL 1’,’covery of 16t oz. of gold, and 8 oz. of alluvial golel “as won by fossickers in the same locality. ‘” Commul! Dirisiol1.-The only produetion recorded is ;:;21 oz. of gold obtained uy L. K Browlle from the treatment of 28~ tons of ore at his mine at Upper Bucca, No ore was raised or treated hy Korora Gold MiningCo. Ltd., 01’ by D. Camphell and ·M. P. R. GrUfin at the Korom Mines. Very little work heyond general p;’ospecting was done in the Division. I(Corowl! Divi~ion.-J. R. Ball is putting down a h01’e on portion 66, parish of Corowa, 2~ milrs from Carow:’, and at the end of the )’C’ar had rC’achec1 a ,lcpth of 42.) fect. The wash has not yet been cut. ~ COWl’(! Divisioll.-G. L. Gilbcrthorpe has heC’il engaged in sinking shafts on sites at Grant’s Reef and Tobin’s Hill, neal’ Canowind1’a, but no arc has been tre:1te(l. A. B. Kirkman crushed ] 3 tons of stone from a sl1e neal’ Woodstock for a return of 9 oz. of gold. On a sIte 4 miles fr0111 Canowindra K. H. POWN has raised 12 tOllS of ore which has not been treated.
CrooKwell Division
.-Fossiekers ohtained H oz. of golel I from alluvial sources. /’;
Cudal D’ivision
.-On a site’l mile west of C’irgo U. Palmer raised 4 tons of ore from n sm:,]1 reef, and treated 2 tons for a rciurn of 5 oz. of gold. At Bowan Park R. Fairall and party treated 3 tons of stone for a yield of 3 oz. of gold. .,,;valmorton Divisiou.-Thc }’if’ltl for the Year is estimated at 71 oz., of which 12 oz. wcre won i;v fossickers from alluvial somces. The Argosy Gold :J1ining Co., (N.L.), erected a crushing battery at its mine and (~id considerable developmental work, nIHl then let the nllnG on a tribute basis to a party of miners, who raised and treltell 130 tons of are for a yield of 40 oz. of gold. Operations then reased. E. JVlrIntyre nurl party opene(1 up a reef on the Mann Hiver, and raised and treatc,] 6 tons of or~, whieh yidded 10 oz. of gold. A. H. Sn:ith erected a crllshing hattery at tlte old Conqueror M111C, and raised 24 tons of ore, of whith 10 tOllS were treated for a retUl’n of 7~ oz. of gold. An effort is 1>eing mu:d·.~ to instal a concentrating and ryanilling plant. JI:~cDermatt and Cobley haH~ opolJe([ up a reef on a sIte ~t Blacksmith’s Shop to a depth of 37 feet. The reef 18 10 inehes wiele at the bottom of tlw shaft, alld D: small parcel of ore was treated for a ~’i(‘l(l of ] ~ oz. of ,yoh1. R. W. Stanfield has sunk a shaft to a depth of 38 feet on a ncw reef at Mount Barney. /J) l’al~c Division.-It is estiJl1~:tcd that tIl(‘ pl’oc1uetion for the veal’ amounted to 230 oz. of gold, of which 100 oz. 1vere ohtained from alluvial sOUl’ees, and the halance from the various I’;’ofs in the Division hy prospedors and fossirkers. At Nohlc’s Creek, Curry Bros. raisC’d :1~ tons of are, all(l Ireatcil ~3 tc’lIS for a returll of ;’8 oz. of gold. S. N. Jones olYtainPll ] 0 oz. of gold from 2 tons of stonc at his site at Two Mile Cr(>ek, Pretty Gullv and also 21 oz. from 20 loa(ls of ,’ash dirt. At Eagr~ Hawk Padely’s Flat, C. J. Tjcan and party crC’rted a small hatt~rY and haye 10 tons of arc a waiting treatment. The v8-i;1 is ft’OHl B to () illCh(‘s widl’, hut assnyH up to 7 oz. of gold pel’ ton. Xo work ,ms done by G. ,V, Sherring at Pretty Gully. v D1l1lgo.fJ lJiris-ion.-No war!, of an.” imporLllltC “as done. K
Forbes Dil’ision.
—A good c1(‘al of prospecting ,yaH donr at Ca:larie and other parts of the Division, hut no S11.’cessful resnlts appenr to h:1W 110en a(:hi(‘w(l. W. P. Miller won 4 oz. ti dwt. of gold from j ton of ore treated 11 from a par(,pl of 25 ions raised on a site 1 mile south of }’orbes. ‘l’herc is no record of the treatment of any other orl’. X’ Glen lllues Division.-1 oz. of gold was ohtained by fossickcrs fr0111 alluvial sources. ¥’
Goulourn Divis-ion.
-Prosprdiug operations were carried on ill various parts of the 11ivision, principally 01) thc Shoalha,-fn River, auel 10 oz. of gold was dcrived from allm’ial workings. “”
Gra/ton ]J’ViBioll
.-Jt is estim:tC’(l that 5 oz. of gold was won fr0111 alluvial sources. “
Grenfell Didsioll
.-A large number of prospectors opendcll in the Division during the year, but lIO gold apjlears to h:n-e h:’Cll WOll. K Gil-if/OliO iJivisioll.-lntensiyc prospecting operations have bcen can’ied out 1).” a large Ht1mber of lUen during the Yl’ar, hut no drposit of illlport:lllc(‘ has been opened up .. 1 t is estimated that 20 GZ. of gold waR won by fosslekers ,md prosprctors. ….. Gllildo.(Jai Dil’isiol1.-The yil’lt1 rt’Pordecl was 7 oz., yalner! at £~8. W. II. Brown won 5 oz. from 12 tons of ore on his site in the parish of North Guudagai antI at Nangus B. O. Ncve trushed 19 tons of stone for a rt’tul’ll of 2 oz. of gold. K E. Weekes and party now hold the Long Tuunel Mine. AIJout 1UO f(‘et has been drivell at the :200 feet Icyel, but the lode eucoountrred has not heen tested. The winze at the 400 feet level has been sunk ahon1 “1:5 fect, U1](1 a drin’ put in at the 480 feet. leY(‘1 clll’ountel’(‘(1 :t gold-bearing rcPI. x lJarg),
Hill End Division.
-Tt is l’ollsidC’l’ed that ahout 100 oz. of golll was won h~’ fos8irkers and prospectors froll! allm’ial s01l]’ees during the ,Year. A little work was dono by K Philli [Is on 11 reef ~t A yisford, hut only ahout 1. oz. of gold ,’as obtained. In the same loeality 1. M. Hogan won 5 dwt. of gold from 1 ton of ore. ~Hill lind liit·isioll.-The gold proelu(·tion is estimated , at 387 oz., of which ~;iO oz. were ohtained by fossickers from alluvial sources. Several tribute narties ‘calTied out work at Amalgam1tecl Hawkin’s Hill and Hill End Gold Mines, N .L” a-nd raiscd ] ~)o tons of are from old workings whieh yirldcd 137 oz. of gold. Belmore Hill End Gold Mining Co., N.h, did not operate. At Hawkin’s Hill A .• T. Cartel’ is deyeloping the old Roley’s Hecf, and has also cut a further reef nt the 250 feet level in the yirinity of the old Scandinm-ian Reef. 1(-
Nil/grove Division.
-The production recorded amounte(~ to 205 oz. At the olrl Ek:mora Mine, Lovely and party treated 1,000 tons of tailings for a return of 29l oz. ‘)f gold. At Bakl’r’s Creek, K T. Cook erected a small crushing hattery anll eyaniding plant, and a new reef ll(>ar the old Bal{(‘r’s Creek Reef, 15 inches wide, has been opened up to a depth of 20 feet. Thirty tons of ore yiellled 83 oz. of golf!. No tailings were tre;:,;ted. Boundy and party nrc sinking a shaft on a site near Hillgroyp, ant! obtained 50 oz. from ] t tons of arc. At Metz, H. H. McGlashecn won ahout 1 oz. of gold from ~ tons of ore, and K Stewart Ii oz. from Ii ton8 of stOll(‘. A wry small quantity of gold was won from jJ,C’ Tulloch f.~iln’r I’dinc. The h1’lanee of the pl’oduction was obtaincc[ by f08sickC’rs and prospectors. }’urther refcrcm’(‘ to this Division is made in Mr. Inspector S:llter’s rpport in this puhlication. ~~ ](iai/(7ra lJit·isioll.-At X C’w Chum Hill, G. H. Bell and party sluiced 4,200 cubie yar([s of material for a reiul’ll of 1~:l oz. of gold, “alued at £67. At South Bloumlkld, the “Elaine” tunnel h1’s been extended to 4;’;;:; fC’cr i;l nn dfort to intel’spd thc lowest lcvels of tho KiaJl(lm T”ead, C. Harman’s tunnel is in 500 feet on his site at Hacc(‘Qurse Creek, ncar the old GiandelTa Mine, a ntl n rise is now hcing PHt up to intersect the wash. No ‘>’.’ork was done at the LOl’lla Doone Mine. 1: I,p(I(itoilie Dit’isioJl.-;lIm’ial prospcctors won 4 oz. of Pgold. Y Litll[Jow JJividon.-A large llUlllbcr of prospectors VC’l’C1 engagc;l nt ])a1’l( C0l’11L’l’, ~nlllly Cornel’, and elsewl, cr() in the Division dll1’ing tlw ~-ear, hut the results obtained do not apI’ear to lw’(‘ been wry encouraging. ‘rhe production of g·ol(l rccordec1 ,,-as only 9 oz., hut no douht the output hy fossiekcrs exceeded this figure. ..- ];[o,ior·., Creel.’ Dirisio!!.-Dllring the year prospectors :lllil fussitkt’l’s ol,tnin(‘(l ::0 (‘Z. of: gohl, vaillcel at £74, fWlll alluyial SOl1rl’l’~. .., JJIU’I’7I(UIII’lt lJil’i,i’)’L-TItr ]>l’oc1udiou for the year lotnll(‘rlI7fJ oz. of gullI, of which (j oz. were obtained from allm’inl somees by prospectors and fossickers. At J ullction Reefs, Sheahan Bros. raised 150 tOllS and treated 80 tons of ore for a yield ef 26 oz. of gold. Part of the year ,yas de’oted to renewing the plant and carrying out d.evelopmental work. VI’. B. Willdnson purchased G.L. 3478 from the Mount Harold Company, and raised and despa:tched 92 tons of ore to Port Kem],la for treatmf’llt, the yield being 12fi oz. of gol(1. A small crushing battery was then eredea, an1 49 tOilS of ore treated for the production of concentrates containing 22 oz. of gOld. The mine has been temporarily close(l. .),
Milton Di1;ision.
-At Brooman, A. F. Gowen and party have erected an old battery at their mine. About 100 ons of are has been raised, but the treatment of 20 tons of same had not been completed at the en,l of the year. I( Molong Division.-C. C. Delaney raised 70 tons of ore at Gumble, which is exp,,cted to yield :l dwt. of gold S;;l’ ton by battery treatment. Moonan Flat Divis-ion.-The ouly production recorded was 3 oz. won by prospectors from alluvial sources. Simpson and urquhart have bE’en working at Simpson’s Reef, Moonan Brook, and several other reefs have been prospected, but no encouraging results have been obtained. At Omadale Peak, Batterham and party have not yet en~ountered payable wash in their tunnels and other workings. >c Moruya Division.-The gold yield is estimated at 164 oz., valued at £587. The Golden Repf _Mining Co., N.h, at Donkey Hill, raise,l and treated 250 tons of ore for a return of 12H oz. of gold, anfl the tailings were not trE’ated_ The shaft is now down 2;’)0 fed, and drives ha-e been put in at the] i50 feet ~md 200 fe(‘t levels. Opera· tions have ceased pending the raising of further capital. P1’alltirnlly no work was donr hv G. Gordon at his mine at DII’.ver;s Creek. At his lIline ill the parish of Bergnlia F. Ling Wall (i oz. of golrl from the treatment of 7 tons of 01’(‘. A. E. and 8. G. Foreman, at Francis Hill, obtained 271 oz. of gold frolll 70 tons of ore, and 10 oz. frolll 30 tons of tailings. ‘I’he olrl Bimbimbie Tunnel has been r(‘colUlitionerl for a .listam-e of 600 feet by A. E. Greatrex and party, awl f’1’0s8rutting from the” 500 feet point is now in progr(‘ss in an effort to locate tlw lode which was lost at the 160 feet kvl’l, ;.- M’!bilgf’e Di1Jision.-Tt is estimated tk,t the gold won by fossickers and prosl’ertors from alluvial sources aggregated 50 oz. (-
Murrumburrah Dit:ision
.-About 3 oz. of alluvial gold was won by prospectors during the ypar, and no other work of any consequence appears to 11[1’e been done. 1 XaroolJla T>ivisioll.-At ,ragollgn, ,v. G. Cowuroy mise(l 100 tOilS of Ol’l’, of whidl 8 tons yieldpu 4 oz. of gold. ‘” Nelligr-n Divi”ioll.-Tt is cstilllatel that alluvial prospectors wall 6t oz. of gold. ‘Nimitybel/u Dit’ision.-D. Aitl’hisOlI won 8 oz. of gold from 12 tons of orc raised from a site at Bobundra. l(
Nowm Dit·ision.
-” reef from 3 to 8 inrhes wide, orcurrillg in felspnthic roell, was opened Ujl lIy .Tames Banon, neal’ Grassy Gully, and 1 ton 6 cwt. of are yielded 1 oz. !I ‘lwt. of galrl IWI’ ton, anrl a second parcel of 1 ton 3 l’wt. rl’turlled 7 oz. Ii dwt. PPI’ ton. The 280 tons of ore raised during J 929 all ‘V. Fletrher’s lease at Ynlwal yiC’lrll’d, hy dry crushing and tlired cyaniding, 39 oz. of gold. j-0 ure was won at Yalwal rluring the yenr, oth(‘1’ than 20 tons raised by W. E. Simpson. South Coast Gol,i Yalwal Reefs LVl. has acquired a site midway between the old Honww~ml Bonnd and Eclipse mi ll(‘S , and all ail’ compressor. jark hammers, and pump bave b(‘t’ll instHlll’d to facilitate prospPf’ting operations. Heveral leases h(‘ll hy Heron and pm-t~· are sairl to he unrler option of PUI’Ch’ISe to a Wollongong syndieatp, with a view to the erediDlI of a treatment plant. F’
Nundle Division.
-The gold won in this Division aggregated 54 oz., anrl was who]].,’ ohtained from allUl-ini sources. A considerahle amount of prospecting has heen done on various reefs in the Diyisicn, llUt no ore app,’ars to have been tr(‘atcd. K Oberon Division.-The yield h estimated at 20 07.. of alluvial gold obtained by prospectors and fossickers. 0-
Ol’an[lr Dit1isioll.
-The gold production recortled amounted to 1,158 oz., valued at £4,269, of which Hi.’) oz. were obtained from alluvial ~ources at Rush Gully, Ophir, Lower Lewis Ponds, and elsewhere ill. the Division. Morgan Bros., at Rmh Gullv, treated 100 tons of wash dirt for a retmn of 39t oz. of gold. Three assi~ted parties are tunnelling under a basalt hill at Eldorado, and two otl(ers ullder a similar hill at Ophir, but 111e wash has not yet heen encountered on any of the sites. Three companies have operated at Lucknow, viz., St. Aignan’s (N.G.) Gold Lodes (N.L.), Bismarck Range Gold”’:Exploration Co., and I~ueknow Pups Gold Mining Co. (~.L.). 12 The St. Aignan’s Company treated 420 tons of ore for a yield of 863 oz. of gold, valued at £3,189. The Bismarck Range Company holds an adjoining area and wou 130 oz. of gold, valuerl at £480, from 35 tOllS of ore. The Lucknow Pups Company erected a crushing battery during the year and also continued prospecting operations nt tbe South Lucknow Mine. It is stated that 25 tons of ore was treated, but the results obtained are not to hanrl. (See also report by Mr . .Taquet.) ->< Pamblila Division.-Messrs. DIckie and MelJeod forwarded 1 ton 8 cwt. of picked stone to Port Kembla from a site in the parish of Boyd, and obtained a l’eturn of 26 oz. of gold, valued at £104. IParkes Diviswn.-A large number of prospectors operated during the year with apparently negative results. From G.Ls. 10 and ll, parish of Cnrra.iong, W. Woodward won 140 oz. of gold, valued at £545, by the treatment of sands, slimes, &c., but the quantity treated is not available. S. Marshall won 16~ oz. of gold on a site 1 mile ,,’est of Aleetown from 100 loads of wash dirt. Y Peale Hill Dil1isioll.-S. B. Hill cyanided about 30,000 tons of old tailings at McPhail for an e3timated return of £100. Gold valued at £40 was also won by prospectors and fossil’ kers. K Rockley Diviswn.-Fossickers obtained 20 oz. of goM from alluvial sources, and the Rockley Gold Mine (N.L.), treated 200 tons of ore for a return of 7 oz. 14 dwt. of gold. K Sofala Division. -A large number of prospectors were l’ugaged in the Division during the year, and the production amounted to 53 oz. of alluvial gold. I Stuart Town Dil’ision. -The production recordeJ ~~llounted to 214 oz. of gold, valued at £886. The new :’lanna Hil! Gold Mining Co (N.L.) won fi9~ oz. of gold, valued at £229, from 73 tons of ore. ‘rhe balance of the gold won was oUtaiBNl from alluvial sources. On a site at Stony Creek, F. Fitzsimmons treated 4 loads of wash dirt for a l’etUl’ll of 16 oz. of gold. Several daims were pegged out on adjoining ground, but nothing payable was found, and most of the sites were abandoned on aceount of water. The tunnel at Bald Hill was driven to 500 feet by EYans and party and a rise is being put up to the wash. ~ Temora Division .-It is estimated that 21 oz. of gold, valued at £86, were won during the year. At South Combaning, F. H. Smith won 4 oz. of gold from 24 tOllS of ore. R. B. Peterson obtained 5 oz., valued at £211, from 9 tons or ore at Sebastopol, and at the Morning Star Mine in the same locality A. A. Stevenson treated 100 tons of are for a return of In oz. of gold. A good deal of prospecting work was done with apparently negative results. ,.- Tenterfield Division. -Operations were continued by Clayerie and party in their tunnel at Boonoo Booneo, but no ore was won. /( Tibooburra Division.-It is estimated that 40 oz. of golrl were obtained by “specking” during the year. )(‘ Torrington Division.-Reference is made to a gold find in this Division in the reports of Messrs . .Taquet and Salter, elsewhere in this publication. ~ Tottenham Division.-At the Mount Royal Mine, 48 ~ oz. of gold was won from copper ores. , Tl’U1l(lle Division.-It is estimated that 91 oz. of gaM. valued at £342, was obtained from wash dirt raised ill connection with platinum mining at Fifield. x T runleey Division .-The yield for the year is estimat8tl at 153 oz. of gold, valued at £574, of which 137 oz., valued at £fi13, were obtained from alluvial sources. A large number of prospectors operated in the Division during the second half of the year. F. Davie3 treatecl B~ tons of stone raised from a site within portion 7, parish Stokes, at .J. Bottrell’s newly-erected b:lttcl’,Y at the Abercrombie River for a yield of H oz. of gold, whilst A. McKellar obtained H oz. of gold from 5 tOllS of ore raised on his lease in the parish of Kempfielil. )( Tuena Division.-It is estimaterl that 100 oz. of golJ, yalue-cl at £390, were won by fossickers and prospectors in alluvial ground. l,- Tumbarumba Division.-The production amounted to fi6i oz. of gold, valued at £195, and was wholly obtained from alluvial sources. At Burra, C. B. Heinecke won 24~ oz., valued at £95, from his sluicing claim. t: TWl!ut Division.-During the year it is estimated that 50~ oz. of gold was won, valued at £217. Of this produc· tion T. V. Sherrin obtained 30 oz. by dredging 2,000 yards of old ground on a site in the parish of C001eruan. Herlihy’s dredge did not operate. A good deal of prospecHng was done, particularly in the vicinity of Splitter’s Cl’eek, following a discovery made by H. Putlaud, who obtainerl 20t oz. of gold from a small parcel of 0]’[>, Il1t 11(1 othpl’ ore appears to 11I1’l’ beeu l’aiHed 01’ treated_ t”fJ ralla Division.-It is estimated that the production amounted to 373 oz. of gold, valued at £1,422. 1’08- sickel’S obtained 270 oz. from alluvial sources at the Rocky Rivel’, and 103 oz. were won from drerlging operations conducted by the Barnes Paddock Syndicate at Rocky Creek, 4,839 cubic yards of material being treated. It is reported that three other syndicates are assembling dredging plants on val’ious sites on the Rocky River. Some work was done on the reefs at Ellmorc, but no ore ,vas treated. , ….
Walcha Divi”ion
.-A good deal of prospecting waH done apparently with negative results. ..’ Wattle Flat lJivi_~i()ll.-’rhe ]1roduetion is estimuted at 82 oz. of gold, valul’d at £328, of which 70 oz. were olJtainc(1 from alluvial sources. Further reference to this field is made by Mr. Gcological :-;mn·yor Raggatt in the GovernmFnt Geologist’s sc(·tioll of this rpport. “’” Weabonga DiviBion.-The yield amounted to 5 oz., yalned nt £20. At Eulo, Niangala, Coyne amI party Von 4 07,. from 20 tons of on’, and in the snme locality A, GaI’dillCl’ ohtaincl 17 d”,t. of gold from -1 tons of Ol’t~. Y
Wellmgton Division
.-The production amounted to 31 oz. of gold, valued at £125, and appears to have been wholly won by prospectors and fossickers. K Winde)/C’!’ Division.-A cOllsidel’able amount of prospecting was done in this Division, mainly at Meroo Creek, Green Gully, and Clad;:e’s Creek, and 250 oz. of gold was won from alluvial sources by proSpectOl’S and fossickel’S. >(Wolumla DivisirJ’l1.-R. T. Biddulph obtained u oz. of gold from 3 tons 2 cwt. of ore. Very little other work (pears to have been done in the Division. JVyalong Division.-O. J. Grace won 5 oz. of gold from 11 site in the parish of Mugga. No other particulars nre available_ A- Wyalong West Division.-About 15 oz. of gold was WOll by prospectors dul’ing the year . X Yass DiviBion.-AtJliIcPherson’s Crfek; Vee Jasper, Barbel’ and party WOll 7 oz. of galt] from 52!) cubic yards of wash dirt. At K:mgiara ‘f. K Smith obtained 16 oz. of gold from the treatment of 88 tons of silverlead ore (see also sih-cl’-learl and copper notes). )…-~ Y c1’r’lnder’ie Di··visi’I11.-’rhe vield amounted to fi8 oz. of gold, and was obtained from the silver-lead ores mined in the Didsion. “”Young Dil1i8ion.-Dnring the yrRr 74 oz. of gold, yalned at £296, ,,,as won hy prospeetors nnd fossickers.