The total production of gold in the State to the end of l930 is estimated at 15,001,166 oz. fine, valued at £63,720,865. The gold won during 1930 amounted to 12,493 oz. fine, valued at £53,066, which represents an increase of 4,997 oz. fine, and £21,224 in value, as compared with the previous year.

Of the production recorded, 3,620 oz. were obtained from the treatmcnt of silver-lead ore from the Broken Hill field. The value of the gold production represents about one-half per cent. of the total mineral production of the State for 1930.

In the closing months of the year a noticeable activity was manifested in this branch of the industry, and a large number of prospectors, some thousands of whom were assisted from the Prospecting Vote and Unemployed Relief Fund, were trying their luck on the old gold fields of the State. No finds of partioular note have been reoorded, but encouraging results were achieved in many localities.

Left: Mines Department Annual Report 1930. Images and content presented here from this report reproduced courtesy of NSW Trade & Resources, Minerals & Energy


“Adelong Division.-The production for the year is estimated at 139 oz. of gold, valued at £631, of which 34 oz. were obtained from alluvial source. At the old Gibraltar Mine, Messrs. W. T. Perkins and party raised and treated 300 tons of ore from old workings for a return of 102 oz. of gold. Little development work was done.”

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