The total production of gold in the State to the end of 1920 is estimated at 14,797,514 oz fine, valued at £62,855,933.

The gold won in this State during 1920 amounted to 48,907 ozs. fine, valued at £207,746, being a decrease of 16,932 ozs. fine, and £71,920 in value as compared with the previous year. The return is the lowest recorded since the first discovery of payable gold in Australia in 1851.

The value of the output from the principal gold producing mining divisions is as follows :-Canbelego, £44,835; Adelong, £17,696; Gundagai, £21,193; Hill End, £12,704; and Araluen, £9,465. The yield from dredging was valued at £63,056, and shows a decrease on the amount won by this method in 1919 of 3,202 ozs. fine, and £13,602 in value. The return for 1920 was furnished by 14 bucket dredges and 1 pump dredge, valued at £92,373, and 126 men were employed in this branch of the industry.

Left: Mines Department Annual Report 1920. Images and content presented here from this report reproduced courtesy of NSW Trade & Resources, Minerals & Energy


“Hill End Division. Steady work proceeded during the year. Amalgamated Hill End terminated their tribute of the property in August last, after vigorously concentrating on the reef and obtaining 1,176 oz. gold valued at £5,340. The mine is now being worked by the Marshall’s Hill End Gold. This company has driven the level north from the bottom of the Star of Peace shaft (100 feet under the main tunnel) on the north side of Fisher and Beard’s cross course. So far they have not got to the continuation of the rich mineral stone south of the cross-course and intend going deeper.”

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