“As an illustration of the general prosperity which has of late prevailed, there has been a satisfactory advance in the output of practically all metals and minerals with the exception of gold, and this is the more remarkable when it is considered that the prices of the industrial metals have not been generally favourable.

“Gold-mining is practically the only branch of the mining industry which has lagged behind. It is difficult to explain why gold-mining – the industry which first attracted population to the State – should be in a comparatively unsatisfactory condition, more especially in view of the fact that the occurrence of the precious metal in New South Wales is so widespread.

There is no doubt that the steady demand for labour in many settled industries is more or less responsible for the decline in gold-mining; meanwhile it is satisfactory to know that the possibilities of a revival are always good.

Left: Mines Department Annual Report 1910. Images and content presented here from this report reproduced courtesy of NSW Trade & Resources, Minerals & Energy


“The conditions which were referred to in last year’s Report as unfavourably influencing gold-mining still obtain.

The pastoral and agricultural industries have absorbed many men from the ranks of the gold-miners; whilst the large railway and other constructional works in progress have also afforded steady and remunerative employment to those skilled as miners, and in the other branches of the mining industry there has been a demand for miners on wages which, at times, could not be met.”

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