Was there anywhere in NSW that didn’t have a gold mine in 1900?

One of the most astonishing features of this industry at the start of the 20th century was just how widespread it was across various centres of the state ranging from the coast, over the ranges, the western slopes and out to the very inland desert country on the South Australian border.

As a result of this widespread activity gold recovery volumes were back at levels not seen since the heady days of the 1870s. This time around however it was very much a case of quiet widespread industry winning the gold, not speculative bonanzas flourishing in a couple of marquee fields.

Left: Mines Department Annual Report 1900. Images and content presented here from this report reproduced courtesy of NSW Trade & Resources, Minerals & Energy


“The returns also show that 1,390 less men were employed than in the previous year. The deduction should not however be drawn that this industry is on the decline, the evidence is rather, that after a period of abnormal activity, the regular order of things has been resumed.

It may be mentioned that the attention which has been given to dredging ventures, and which is referred to elsewhere, has diverted a large amount of capital and energy, usually devoted to ordinary gold-mining into another channel.”

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