Galong Cemetery

The cemetery lies about a kilometre to the east of Galong House (monastery) and is likely to date back to the 1830s. In 1987 the National Trust of Australia classified Galong Cemetery recognising its historical and cultural significance.

Forbes Cemetery Tour

Ben Hall and Kate Kelly are among the colourful characters resting at the Forbes Cemetery. Take a self-guided with the Cemetery Borchure and learn about the strange, the scary, and the folk who settled Forbes.

Grenfell Cemetery

There are many early graves in the Grenfell cemetery including some Chinese graves. Further information including English translations of the Chinese headstones are available from the Grenfell Historical Society. In addition bush ranger Daniel Charters, a member of Ben Halls gang, is also buried in the Grenfell Cemetery.

Captain Moonlites Grave

One of the local bushranging tales surrounds the exploits of Andrew George Scott – better known as Captain Moonlite. Unlike other bushrangers, Scott was from a wealthy, educated family. With a shady background as a trickster and robber, he assembled a gang of five in Victoria, then moved north to Wagga Wagga, and on to […]

Johnny Gilbert’s Grave

Flash Johnny – snappy dresser, sweet talker, big spender… As you explore Johnny Gilbert’s stamping ground, you might consider whether he was the baddest bushranger of all. With 630 armed holdups to his short career he was certainly hard working! But May 13 1865 was a bad day for Johnny Gilbert as he was shot […]

Hamilton Hume’s Grave

How much do you know about Hamilton Hume, apart from his famous Highway?

Cemeteries and Family History in Goulburn

Embark on a journey to uncover the roots of your family tree or learn about the lives of the great Australians who helped shaped history.

Tumut Pioneer Cemetery

The very earliest death recorded in the cemetery is that of M O’Mara in 1841 or 4. The earliest recorded birth dates are those of Isabella Rankin and Thomas Quilty in 1786. Burials ceased at the Pioneer Cemetery at the beginning of the twentieth century although the use of family plots continued for long after, […]

Monteagle Cemetery

Monteagle Cemetery is one of the last remaining original patches of Grassy Whitebox woodland in New South Wales and is protected by a Voluntary Conservation Agreement.

Chinese Cemetery, Murrumburrah

The Chinese section in the south-east corner of Murrumburrah Cemetery is the burial site of at least 21 Chinese men aged from 39 – 85, who died between 1881 and 1925. Their occupations included vegetable gardeners, cooks, storekeepers, miners, labourers, a skin buyer and vegetable hawkers.